What is a Sandbox Account?
A Sandbox Account allows a user to get familiar with Safepay so that when their application is processed and approved, they can switch to live mode (i.e. their Production Account) with zero downtime.
Sign up to Sandbox
Please visit our Sandbox website to set up your Sandbox Account. This website is different from our Production website (which you will need to use to create your Production Account later).
Error signing in?
You may have already signed up at www.getsafepay.com. This would have created a production account (through which when approved you will accept live payments).
You must create a new account in sandbox at our sandbox website ( sandbox.api.getsafepay.com). This is a separate account which you need to set up separately. You cannot log-in to an account in sandbox if you have not signed up separately for this.
So sign up for a new account on sandbox.api.getsafepay.com.
Please provide the following information:
- Email address: You can sign up with any email address and password. Normally this would be something like admin@<storename>.com or finance@<storename>.com, but there are no restrictions. Your email address must be valid and you must have access to it as we will send an automated email to that email for verification. If you have not received an email from Safepay after signing up please click here.
- Password: A secure password to authenticate you to the dashboard.
- Phone number: Please make sure your phone number is no longer than 10 digits.
- Business name: Please provide your business’s name.
- Business website: If you've entered a URL, please make sure it has either http or https written before it.
What next in Sandbox?
You should now have access to your Sandbox Account. A Sandbox Account looks and works exactly the same way as a Production Account except that the money shown in the account isn’t real and test card numbers can be used to simulate payments (click here for sample dummy data to conduct transactions with).
Creating a Sandbox Account allows our users to learn how our different products work. There will be a red banner on your dashboard after you log-in saying that you are in a test environment.
You can use your Sandbox Account to:
- View and manage your Sandbox Account.
- Become familiar with our features by:
- Integrating Safepay Checkout on your website by choosing the relevant plug-in. You can configure any of our plug-ins with your website through your Sandbox API key and Secret key. You can use our plug-in to test out how the checkout flow works on your website. Make sure you are able to see orders being generated in your system as well as reconcile them with the payment on the Sandbox dashboard. Read this guide to learn about other features in our merchant dashboard.
- Using Quick Links to generate one link invoices. If you are using Quick Links only, you do not need to install our plug-ins on your website. Read this guide to learn more about Quick Links.
- Using Safepay Connect to accept payments.
- Observe payment details that you receive from test buyers.
- See notifications generated by your mock transactions.
Important to note
Any transaction made while you are in Sandbox mode will not be real. Even if a customer manages to make a payment to your through your website while you are integrating a plug-in, this will not be a real transaction. No real money will have left your customer and you will not have received any real money.
If a customer has somehow paid you while you are still in Sandbox mode, their payment actually hasn’t been made as this is not possible. You should refund your customer's payment from your Sandbox dashboard in any event. Read this guide to learn how to make a refund.
To avoid mistakenly accepting payments through your Sandbox integration, you can create a demo or testing subdomain for testing (this option is available on WooCommerce) instead of your live website. This way there is no risk that a customer visits your website and makes a payment using Safepay.