Dummy data for bank transfers

If you want to test payments in your Sandbox account, please use the following data so that you are not charged. Do  not use this on your Production Account (these will not work). 

For NIFT-ePay

Please select the demo bank from the list that appears.

Then select Nift-ePay

Sets of data to run test cases while carrying out sandbox integration

Valid account and valid OTP
Account number 0002562478596921
CNIC number 1111111111111
OTP code 456980
Invalid account 
Account number 0002156322782546
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980
Dormant account 
Account number 0002563292489223
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980
Insufficient balance
Account number 0002892462562155
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980
Invalid OTP 
Account number 0002562478596921
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980
OTP expired 
Account number 0002562478596921
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980
OTP timeout
Account number 0002562478596921
CNIC number 450113570111
OTP code 456980

For Payfast

Please select the demo bank from the list that appears.

Then select PayFast

Sets of data to run test cases while carrying out sandbox integration

Valid account and valid OTP
Account number 123456789
CNIC number 1111111111111
OTP code 123456
Invalid OTP 
Account number 0002562478596921
CNIC number 1111111111111
OTP code 456980

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