How to subscribe to a plan

Here's a breakdown of what your customers will experience when subscribing to your plans through Safepay Checkout.

  • Login Screen: Customers will be directed to the Safepay Checkout login screen. If they have an account, they can easily log in. If not, they'll spot the "Signup" button at the bottom left.

  • Signup Page: For new customers, clicking "Signup" will lead them to the signup page. Here, they need to provide their email address, first name, last name, phone number, and password. This step ensures their account creation.

  • Wallet Screen: Upon successful signup or login, customers will arrive at the wallet screen. This screen displays the cards associated with their profile. To add a card, they should tap the "Add Card" button.

  • Adding a Card - Step 1: The first part of adding a card involves entering the card number, expiry date, and CVV.

  • Adding a Card - Step 2: In the second step, customers can add or edit their first name and last name as it appears on the card.

  • Adding a Card - Step 3: Finally, customers will enter their billing address for the card. With this, their card will be securely linked to their profile.

  • Returning to Wallet: After successfully adding a card, customers will return to the wallet screen where all their cards are listed.

  • Card Selection: They can then choose the card they want to use for the subscription. This card will be the payment method for their plan.

  • Terms Page: Next, customers will proceed to the terms page. Here, they'll find and agree to your plan's terms and conditions.

  • Subscription Confirmation: Once they accept the terms, customers can confirm their subscription. Their chosen card will be charged based on your plan's terms.

  • Trial Period: If your plan offers a trial period, customers will enjoy the plan's benefits during this time. They will be charged after the trial period ends, depending on the number of days you've set.

  • Instant Subscription: For plans without a trial period, the customer's card will be charged instantly, and they'll start enjoying the benefits right away.
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