Reconcile Shopify orders on your Safepay Dashboard

Reconciling payments made on your Shopify store with the data available on your Safepay merchant dashboard is a simple process

Reconcile a Payment

Follow the steps below to reconcile a payment:

  1. Log in to the Shopify Dashboard and open the Orders tab. Click on a paid order and scroll down to view the Safepay Secure payment details. Click where it says ‘payment was processed on Safepay’

2. Make a note of the payment ID

3. Log into the Safepay merchant dashboard and navigate to Payments. The payment appears on the list of payments. The payment ID appears under the Order Id column.

You can also search by selecting Order ID in the search bar and copy-pasting the payment ID from your Shopify store

4. You can match the payment id (on the Shopify Dashboard) with the Order id (on the Safepay Dashboard) to map the payments.

How to reconcile multiple payments 

Follow the steps below to reconcile multiple payments:

  1. Log in to the Shopify Dashboard and open the Orders tab.
  2. Select the required orders or time period.
  3. Click Export to export the data.

Click export to export the data

  1. The Payment References column in the file contains the payment IDs.
The Payment References column in the file contains the payment IDs.
  1. Log in to the Safepay dashboard and navigate to Payments
  2. Select Export and select the time period you want to see transaction data for
  3. Click Export

The Order ID column in the file contains the payment IDs

The Order ID column in the file contains the payment IDs

Match the Payment References column in the Shopify export with the Order ID column in the Shopify Payments Report to map the payments.

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